Twenty-twenty was the year that threw all marketing benchmarks out of the window, tried and tested marketing methods that had not only worked but were expected by the audience suddenly became ineffective. This led to a new audience, essentially customers that didn’t know what they wanted or when they wanted it. As a community marketers had to re-learn how to communicate with their uncertain audience, to fill them with confidence. Marketing became less about the amazing product you were selling and more about the values of the company selling the product.
Reactive marketing is never the ideal, but by using REAL’s tracked data from the last 24 months we were able to short term forecast and adapt our messages accordingly.
We involved customers in the conversation, talking to them about mental wellbeing, how they were finding home studying and what new digital behaviours they had taken on.
In this new covid world, marketing is not about competing with competitors its more about competing against the last best experience your customers had and putting your values at the heart of the message.