January 12, 2023

Viva Magenta…or not?

viva magenta
Pantone's new "Colour of the Year" has been unveiled - "Viva Magenta" to those who may not have noticed!
Pantone's new "Colour of the Year" has been unveiled - "Viva Magenta" to those who may not have noticed!

Some might be so bold as to call it red, but notes of purple keep it from being something as straightforward as a primary colour. It would hardly be a new year in the design world without Pantone’s annual announcement for some, but is it an important touchstone or just a self-fulfilling prophecy from an influential brand?

In the current fashion and visual climate, a “Colour of the Year” seems a bit restrictive, harking back to the days when haute couture fashion houses released just 1 or 2 collections per year and all ready-to-wear brands followed their lead.

In today’s world, we seem to be much braver about choosing the look, colour or design approach that suits our (or our clients’) needs rather than being dictated to by passing trends and then (hopefully) wearing our creativity and diversity of approach proudly.

The word “Viva”, meaning “long live”, is used to show our approval for something we think is fabulous. So for some, it may be “Viva!” and for others, it may be “Let’s see what suits me”, but I have to say that those magenta sofas showing up in my Pinterest feed are starting to really grow on me…..

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